Redefining. It’s in our core.
Discovering new paths through the College curriculum
Intellection. It’s in our core.
Where intellectual development is integrated into all aspects of your day
Balance. It’s in our core.
Finding balance between academics, athletics and other activities
Community. It’s in our core.
Building networks through on-campus housing, RSOs and more
Tradition. It’s in our core.
Greeting the day with sun salutations at Promontory Point
Exploration. It’s in our core.
Embracing new experiences and meeting new people along the way
Passion. It’s in our core.
Where passion for learning is inherent in the intellectual culture
Conversation. It’s in our core.
From classroom debate to arguing about the best “sosc” sequence
Inquisitiveness. It’s in our core.
Freedom to pursue what sparks your intellectual curiosity
Welcome to IT’S IN OUR CORE
Showcasing all that makes the College experience extraordinary

Debate. It’s in our Core.
How light-hearted dining hall banter becomes passionate discourse