Exploration. It’s in our core.
New experiences and meeting new people along the way

“When I found that group of friends that I knew were tailored to my interests, my humor, we had the same habits and everything – we really started to explore campus, and even the Hyde Park area together as a group. Whether that’s exploring new parks in the area, going to musical events, new places downtown, or even finding a little study spot to camp out at… it’s been great to explore and develop connections with new types of people along the way.
I never find myself saying ‘I have nothing to do.’ There’s always an event, whether it’s a house event, maybe a Biosciences networking event, coffee chats or places to go around campus – there’s always something to do.”
Ronan Gandhi, Class of 2026, is majoring in biology and minoring in data science in hopes of working in biotechnology or pharmaceutical industries. He’s vice president of Friends of Washington Park, an RSO that helps to tutor local elementary school students and is on the club tennis team.